Why would you ever want to start blocking unwanted traffic to your website? Read on, and discover the many reasons why you should — So, here you are. You just loaded your brand new website, or blog, set up various ways to let people know about it through social networking like Twitter, Facebook, Digg, and…
Metadata elements are typically used to specify page description, keywords, author of the document, last modified, and other metadata types. Meta elements — are tags used in HTML or XHTML documents to provide structured metadata about a Web page. They are part of a web page’s head section. Multiple Meta elements with different attributes can…
Man infects himself with a computer virus — Test shows possible security issues about chip use in medical devices. Gasson had a relatively simple chip implanted in the top of his left hand near his thumb last year. It emits a signal that is read by external sensors, allowing him access to the Reading laboratory…
Management Rules: for those who hate management — On October 3, 2009, I originally posted a piece titled, “And Everybody Had The Next Best Thing”. It basically said this: “Developers aren’t in the least bit motivated. So complacent with their job, these developers are, that they’ve nothing better to do with their time, than to…
Ransomware can hold your PC Hostage — In December, the FBI issued a warning about a broader category of malicious programs called “rogueware.” These programs appear on users’ machines and claim to find viruses, then offer to clean them for $50. Rogueware looks so realistic — complete with Windows-like dialog boxes and scary warnings —…