JavaScript A simple free ad rotation script may or may not be a solution you would prefer to use on your site these days — I guess it would depend on whether or not you would choose to embed someone […]
Robo-bugs are here! They could poke through treacherous rubble in search-and-rescue missions, discreetly snoop on the guilty and innocent alike, and sometimes, just maybe, form into giant swarms that block out the sun and do the bidding of larger, less […]
PHP Send-Mail: The ultimate script. If you are tired of spam, or are confused about various security issues related to your cgi-mail or are frustrated with having to configure things like cgi email handlers written in perl, then this simple […]
Metadata: A Meta Tags list
Metadata elements are typically used to specify page description, keywords, author of the document, last modified, and other metadata types. Meta elements — are tags used in HTML or XHTML documents to provide structured metadata about a Web page. They […]